Pricing of vehicles on this web site does not include options that may have been installed at the Dealership. The first thing you’ll notice when you step into the Blue Knob Auto Sales showroom is an amazing selection of used Jeep, Ford, Nissan, Chevrolet and Kia models to choose from, including the Jeep Compass, Ford Escape, Nissan Murano, Chevrolet Malibu and Kia Sorento. Browse our website to learn more about our staff and services, or visit Pellegrino Auto Sales in Batavia to see why we’re the area’s #1 rated used car dealership!
This is where HealthPA, or Health Personal Assistant steps in. Started in the year 2009, their roving health counselors, and information centers take the information and access to advanced health facilities directly to the doorsteps of people in need of this service. The effect of hurricanes Harvey and Irma is expected to boost retail light vehicle demand through …