Flax is also called Linen The fibre is obtained from the stalk of a plant (Linum Usitatissimum – A literal translation is linen most useful. ) which is from 80 to 120 cm high, with few branches and small flowers, of a colour which varies from white to intense blue, which flowers only for one day. MICHAEL ROBINET, Managing Director, Automotive Advisory Services, IHS Markit – Michael Robinet became a managing director of the IHS Markit Automotive Consulting in November 2011. The first annual Automotive News Canada Congress produced in partnership with APMA will feature top industry speakers covering vital issues facing the Canadian auto industry.
You can get excellent tips for choosing an auto repair shop Newport News VA area and more information about a reputable shop at – right now. With disaster relief top of mind for the US government, GM is presenting military leaders with a platform …